Childhood Memories – My childhood world

Childhood memories are the sweetest memories for all of us. Via this blog i will be sharing my Childhood Memories – My childhood world with you.

Childhood Memories - My childhood world

Childhood is a stage of life where you are free of all the worries and burdens of life. A small child always makes a wish to  God – please make me a grown up man soon so that i could do this- do that, people should be scared of me because being a child no one takes me seriously. But seriously you will agree with me that after getting adult, the same person prays to god- please make me child again- i don’t want all these tensions and worries in my life. I wished for a great career, now i am fed up of my job as i don’t want all the hard words said by my manager and i am tired now of being part of this rat race. i wished for a girlfriend, now i am annoyed by all her words and expectations, i wished for a home – now i am lying under the burden of loan EMIs. So being adult is not an easy job. Lots of responsibilities, challenges and constant failures are there which is good for an individual to grow but deep down inside people think – its better i should go back to my childhood. Any time machine should be there which i should start and travel back to my childhood days and stay more longer there or Shaktiman should  come rotating on his axis and take us to our childhood world or also i have often thought that currently i am in my dreams and someday i will wake up back in my childhood and will think- oh i was in such a long sleep where i dreamt of becoming a grown up starting a career, getting married , taking home loans…wufffff. Then i would get up from bed and go with my friends to play cricket on the ground – not sitting on my PC to play a game online with my virtual friends.

I was born in a small city called as Bhagalpur in Bihar. Being a 90’s born kid i feel privileged where i was able to see a great transition happening from 90’s to 21st century. I was also a part of that generation which evolved in technology, infrastructure and lot more developments. During my childhood video games were the crazy desires and the kids who had these gaming equipment’s available in their home were considered rich ones. I belonged to the family whom i can say not a rich one but who were a lower middle class family whose necessities are more heavier than they could afford the desires. Hence we had to go to our friend’s home to enjoy these games being played on tv when a gaming console with a cassette were connected via a wire in the tv and with the 2 joysticks we used to play various types of games and get fascinated about them – Mario and wrestling were my favorite. I belonged to an era where we listened to Udit Narayan, Kumar Sanu, Sonu Nigam, Lata Mangeshkar and other legends songs recorded in cassettes and played in tape recorders. There would be one tape recorder in home and we among our brothers and sisters would fight for our turn to listen to our favorite songs.

On the other hand if i talk about my parents, being a middle class family my mother and father both worked in government sectors and hence they had to travel and work hard whole day to make their children’s life and get better education to make our lifestyle better in coming future . We would literally understand their pain and sacrifices and hence would live a life where our basic needs are getting fulfilled and would not demand something which would come under desires and fascinations. To fulfill such overwhelming desires we used to visit our rich friend’s(there were some in my group) home where we used to see some of the latest computers installed in their home and play latest games. So i used to keep in touch with the latest technologies available by that time but via our friends.

I was admitted to an english medium school when i was in 1st standard which is a big thing in my place. For most of us this would feel really funny how going to an english medium school is a big achievement, but this is how it was those day in my place as again i can say being a lower middle class family its hard to pay high tuition fees for english medium schools and hence we prefer going to Bihar State board schools. Despite of these challenges my parents provided me this facility but now it was my fault that for studying almost 6 years in that school i was able to improve my english subject only and scored in 90’s but when came to math and science i was a failure. So being disappointed with my results my dad admitted me back to state board school as i was only improving my english there. It was good that i improve my english there and created my base strong right from childhood as a result of which today i am able to gain the confidence to start writing my Blogs. But then if  i would not have improved my science and maths i would not be able to become a software engineer. Hence looking for my future betterment i was removed from my english medium school and i started going to State board school. Coming here i took almost a year to improve in my studies and finally my maths, science and other subjects were improved and i scored much in these subjects to be called a failure. My parents were happy now and thought that i was getting better and on track.

The reason for my upgradation in my studies, i got very nice teachers who were really great and  the way of their teachings was so interesting, it would automatically create interest and enthusiasm in studies. Getting such environment of studies i blossomed myself and started growing my interest in studies and hence this was the basic building block of my future career and hence i am thankful enough to get such kind of teachers and environments in my childhood life.

Getting such great teachers helped me build myself strong in my studies and on the other hand i got awesome friends in this school whom i share all the beautiful memories of my childhood and they helped me grow my personal self stronger as an individual. I share a lot of great memories with my childhood friends and still we are connected together and take out time for each other and go on special vacations on get together. Being busy in our own lives and our career we some how take out time to meet and recollect our memories.

My childhood was simple and we used to find out happiness in small things. Getting 2 rupees from mom while going to school was extreme happiness because with those 2 rupees i and my friend would buy 2 kulfis and share among both of us. The next day would be his turn to bring 2 rupees to enjoy the kulfis again. So economically if you see it was just 3 days * 2 = 6 rupees per week = 24 rupees/month was our pocket money – “Hum bhi khus parents bhi khus”.

Childrens are often asked by adults- what you want to become when you will grow up. I would tell i want to become a Cricketer. I was fascinated by this game and had a deep passion to become a cricketer – similar to what more than 100 crores of population of India wants to be. It was not because Cricket has been always a religion in our country and lots of people are crazy about this game – The whole country stops their work and stick to the screen when Sachin, Mahi or Virat plays. But it was because i loved playing this game, i was good at it and when i played this game i loved this game and i loved myself when i played it on the 22 yard pitch. So i had a passion of becoming a cricketer from childhood. But desires and passions are mostly killed by your fate and it became true when growing adult i came to know its not sufficient to only love this game. Lot of hurdles are there especially when you are born in state where sports and culture is not promoted and supported as in other states. Maybe i would have struggled more for it and tried but frankly speaking i did not had that courage and time to fight with the politics and difficulties involved in it because may be it would take away all my crucial time and hence i would be left with no other career option. So i ditched my first LOVE, focused on my studies and moved on in making my career as a software developer.

I know its been a boring journey not so much masala into it as my childhood was simple. But there are some key facts and learnings which i would like to point out.

  • Childhood is the best place a person wants to travel back to.
  • No matter what you can’t fulfill point one. So live the journey of childhood to its fullest.
  • Make friends for life, be in touch, plan vacations with them. Believe me i still have that childhood friend with me with whom i used to share 1 rupee kulfi everyday after school. We went to our engineering college together, now we are going to our offices together in a city far away from my hometown. We still do share kulfis sometimes(mostly beer on weekends:-P) when we come back from office on our bike.
  • If you are passionate about any career – may be it should be sports or something else, do give it your best try to achieve it , try to find out best and ethical way to get to your goals because situation and fate is not always as it was in in my life.



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